A sedimentologic analysis of terrace sediments from the Pawmpawm River Channel, Ghana
The object of this paper is to analyse the sedimentologic characteristics of old and new terrace sediments from the Pawmpawm River channel. The morphometric characteristics of the terrace materials give credence to the hydrologic dynamics of the river as it performs its core functions of erosion, transportation and deposition with time. The terrace materials are evidenced from their petrographic composition and characteristics. Analysis of terrace materials for their effective sizes, uniformity coefficient as well as Trask sorting indices has shed mure light on the sedimentologic aspects of the river terrace materials, which have undergone varying degrees of alteration in the fluid medium. Using semi-log plots of cumulative percentage curves, the terrace stratigraphic materials showed increasing and decreasing particle sizes with depth, along the Pawmpawm river channel for subsurface (old) and surface (new) terrace materials respectively. The terrace materials from the Pawmpawm River demonstrate differential size composition due to different hydrologic processes and morphologic resistance of the lithology to erosion.
How to Cite
Appiah, D. (2016). A sedimentologic analysis of terrace sediments from the Pawmpawm River Channel, Ghana. Journal of Science and Technology, 34(2). https://doi.org/10.4314/just.v34i2.366