Effect of conjuctive use of water on yield and production efficiency of irrigated radish crop(Raphanus satuvus L.CV.Pusa chetaki)

  • R.K. Isaac
  • N. Swaroop
  • J.L.G. Kumar
Keywords: Conjunctive use, Sewage water, Water management, Yield, Irrigation production efficiency


This study was conducted during 2001-2002 to evaluate the effect of sewage water irrigation in conjunction with tube-well water on radish crop (Raphanus Sativus L.cv. Pusa Chetaki). The experiment
was laid out in a randomized block design taking four treatments T0(100% tube-well water-Control plot),T1(75% tube-well water+25% sewage water), T2(50% tube-well water+50% sewage water), T3
(25% tube-well water+75% sewage water), and T4(100% sewage water). It was observed that the treatment with 100% sewage water provided the maximum yield of radish as compared to other treatments.
Irrigation production efficiency was also observed to be significantly higher (38.4kg/m3) with 100% sewage water treatment and found to decrease significantly with decrease in sewage content. The microbial
tests showed that the fresh water mixed with 50% or less sewage can be safely used for irrigation. The economic analysis showed that the benefit ratio of 6.66 with the tube-well water and sewage water of 1:1.The study shows that the conjunctive use of sewage and fresh water can decrease the hazardous constituents by improving effluent quality.
How to Cite
Isaac, R., Swaroop, N., & Kumar, J. (2016). Effect of conjuctive use of water on yield and production efficiency of irrigated radish crop(Raphanus satuvus L.CV.Pusa chetaki). Journal of Science and Technology, 29(1). https://doi.org/10.4314/just.v29i1.574